What’s new in v8.0.4 (May 28, 2023)#

New Improvements & Features#

  • Full-Width ListView: Some listviews now utilizes the full width of the page, providing better visibility and readability for tables with many columns.

  • Bulk Download of Contacts: A new feature has been added that allows for the bulk downloading of contacts with all possible fields. In future updates, it will be possible to edit the CSV and upload it again for bulk updates and creation of contacts.

  • Prospecting App Improvements: The prospecting app has seen several bug fixes, enhancements, and new features to improve user experience.

Bug Fixes#

  • Email Modal Fix: Rendering and processing issues with the email modal have been fixed.

  • Pagination Bar Fix: A bug causing the pagination bar to appear at the top of the contacts table has been resolved.

  • Workshop Selection Fix: An issue that prevented the selection of a workshop during a repair has been fixed.

  • Adding Orders/Repairs to Shipments: A bug that prevented the addition of orders/repairs to shipments has been fixed.

As always, we value your feedback and thank you for your patience as we continue to improve your ERP system.