What’s new in v8.0.2 (May 12, 2023)#

Quick Action Buttons#

We’ve now added Quick Action buttons on most listviews. These actions include Delete and Update. This means you no longer have to open a specific page to make these changes, simplifying your interactions and speeding up your processes. This will make it easier for you to manage your data with less navigation and fewer clicks.

Prospecting App Improvements#

Significant updates to our Prospecting App are included in this release:

  1. Campaign Statuses: You can now set statuses on your campaigns. This will allow you to better track and manage your campaigns, giving you more control and information at your fingertips.

  2. Prospect Page Enhancements: We’ve made improvements to the Prospect Page. These enhancements will improve the usability of the page and make it easier for you to manage and interact with prospects.